From the 1899-1903 Announcements: James Swann was a friend of the school and donor of the Janie Austell
Swann Dormitories.
There is now being erected the Janie Austell Swann Dormitories, costing $30,000, for the accommodation of
100 students. It is to be a handsome structure of three stories, 142x50 feet, and finished in pressed
brick and stone with monumental pillars at the front entrance. It will be heated by the blower system, and
lighted with electricity, and will contain ample halls, reception rooms, etc. The building is a memorial
erected by Mr. James Swann to his wife.
From Images and Memories: Both the Swann Dormitory and the Electrical Engineering Building were added to
the campus in 1901. James Swann of New York offered the School $20,000 if it raised an additional $15,000.
The building has served several occupants through the years. George Griffin tells of the time he and
C.D. "Dummy" LeBey found a loose mule on campus, took it to Swann and tied it to the door of Professor A.H.
Armstrong's room. Swann's rooms today are the offices and classrooms for Continuing Education and the
Department of Modern Languages.