From the 1899-1903 Announcements: "Department of Weaving: This instruction begins with power loom practice
in the production of duck, sheeting, drills, etc. Later, classes are devoted to handloom weaving, the
fabrics woven being mainly in the nature of experimental work on textures, weaves and coloring. Final
courses teach Jacquard weaving, students making their own calculations, weaving and finishing and executing
their own designs." From Warren Drury's thesis: "Architecturally, the Textile Building is a simple,
inexpensive industrial structure and in its textile manufacturing function is extremely successful.
Modeled after small new England Textile mills, the school commission reflected the Bostonian Lockwood
Greene's experience in mill design." From the Announcements: " In December, 1898, the Legislature
appropriated $10,000 per annum for two consecutive years for the support of the Textile Department. The
Announcement of the time notes, "the establishment of this department is an entirely new feature in
education in the State of Georgia, and the superior equipment for instruction in the manufacture of all
grades of cotton goods is expected to bring a material increase in the wealth and prosperity of our people.
The building is a splendid example of architectural skill in modern mill construction, its equipment is
the most complete in the world for education in the different branches of cotton manufacture."
A. Samuel French, a wealthy industrialist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania provided $2,500 unconditionally and
$3,000 conditional upon the city of Atlanta providing a matching amount. Subsequently, French donated
additional amounts for the building and its equipment, as well as scholarships for enrollment in the
textile program.