From the 1888-1899 Announcements: Of Mr. Aaron Samuel French, Lyman Hall writes May 15, 1900, "In (sic)
behalf of the people of the State of Georgia and the Local Board of Trustees of the Georgia School of
Technology, I extend to Mr. French our thanks and appreciation for his continued aid to this institution.
His benefactions to the school have been $13,100.
Aaron Samuel French, a wealthy industrialist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania provided $2,500 unconditionally
and $3,000 conditional upon the city of Atlanta providing a matching amount. Mr. Aaron French, of
Pittsburg, PA., has given two scholarships to the Georgia School of Technology, which are
self-perpetuating, in monthly notes without interest. The winner of the scholarship will be furnished
funds at such times as the President may think necessary for expenses, books, fee, etc, but not over $125
will be furnished each year.
In December, 1898, the Legislature appropriated $10,000 per annum for two consecutive years for the support
of the Textile Department. The establishment of this department is an entirely new feature in education
in the State of Georgia, and the superior equipment for instruction in the manufacture of all grades of
cotton goods is expected to bring a material increase in the wealth and prosperity of our people."