This engraving is believed to date before the destruction by fire of the Shop Building on April 21, 1892.
The Wood Shop was located in The Shop Building, built in 1888, was one of the two original buildings when
the Georgia School of Technology opened its doors in 1888. The Georgia School of Technology Announcement
for 1892-93 notes: "The shops are organized and managed as a manufacturing establishment, taking contracts
for a great variety of work, both in wood and iron, and from this variety of work, always in process of
construction, such parts are given the students to make as will afford him the best instruction at that
particular stage of his course...The first, or Apprentice year, is devoted entirely to wood work. This
includes a course of elementary instruction in laying out work with knife and pencil, and the use of the
ordinary hand tools, such as saws, planes, chisels, etc. This is followed by a course in elementary
pattern work, introducing the use of the turning-lathe. After these elementary exercises the student works
altogether upon practical work, especially pattern and cabinet work. Instruction and practice is given in
the use and care of the wood-working machinery, large and small circular saws, band and scroll saws,
cylinder and buzz planers, boring, mortising and tenoning machines and shaping machines. Two days of nine
hours each are devoted to practice throughout this year."