Opera 331 Wednesday Aug 16 1922 Special work I reported at the Fulton Bag mill this a.m. for work. But was sent out to reset because I put my notice in. Dutch Sword put a girl on my work and I ask him what he meant and he said every body had to rest that was working a notice there was eight spoolers sent out od no. 1. Spooler room this a.m. there two asked off sick and he would not let them off I learned that theres about six that have got this notice in everything was quite in the mill this a.m. I suggest that the letter that was wrote must to have been someone that got fired and wrote this letter to Mr. Florence thought that they would scare somebody. I may say that I never saw a nicer behave man than Dutch Sword is among the women in the mill and also Cole. I notice that Dutch Sword works just as hard as he can all the time. I was talking with Eula meeks and she said that she didn't like Dutch Sword and said if he sent her out tomorrow he could just pay her time. The spooler don't like him because he wants them to work all the time I think that's what they dislike about him. there is some in there that can't be satisfied they have to find fault of somebody. I reported at the Fulton Bag Mill this A.M. for work and have work as a spooler in no.1 Spooler room. The work have some good Today but the spoolers have been behind with pieces they don't like to get out of peaces because they can't make anything the most of the spoolers are all the time grumbling about they don't anything. I was talking with Julia Michal today and she said that she had been at work nearly two years here and she said that she had been at work nearly two years here a nd she said this was the worst place she ever worked she said she didn't make much and work hard as she can go all the time. There was a girl by the name of Maggie Wilson said to me she said less go out there and make cole gives us our time and I told her that I was working a notice to get my time she certainly doesn't knock this work and her home is here too. I notice that Dutch Sword have sent Bessielee Camp out three days a week because she put her notice in Monday seem that he sends her back for meanest. I notice that he has some that he lets work all the time their was a couple of spoolers that would ask of and he would not let off.