opr. 251 Monday Oct 17, 1921 Special Work I reported at the mill this morning 6.30 AM in the employment office before starting Itime this morning I noticed a large number of negros had the pass way to employment window blocked so white women had to ([comment:] TSF the same matter I have discussed with you often - OE) squeeze between them to get by it seems that the village Police should have been there to keep the negros in their place. In #1 mill #3 room I run A F Barnett 12 looms on the 14 SW goods it is hard to tell how they run because the yarn was crossed between t he lease rods and harness causing the looms to stop off the following numbers of looms on said set #68 temple to low #67 harness Cam set wrong #21 to much power #26 Boss not rolling harness straps up equal #23 temple loose Four of the said looms are on Gip Leenear section who is Monday Oct 17, 1921 Special Work to high tempered it seems to have a section. In top spinning room #1 mill on 19 ½ yarn the roping seemed to run alright and Mable Cathan 10 side spinner in said room said her sides run alright this morning but in the afternoon they run very bad which makes me believe they don't keep the humidity right. Some parts of #2 mill weave room is kept too wet in #1 mill #3 room South end it was 72 dry 10 wet 75 dry, 73 wet: 8 Headers cut off over the 3BRW good which is fine work and it rolls up and sticks together when the yarn gets little to wet. That afternoon it was 76 dry 73 wet 78 " 74 " 79 " 77 " my looms kept me very busy I didn't see Supts. I only saw the boss weaver pass through once . Finished work 5-50 PM