16 Reports 8-13-15 There will be a meeting of the newly organized Textile Union on Sunday PM near the Wollen Mills and President Rice and W.E. Fleming will officiate and A.K. Wilson is chief Counsol and Chairman of the newly elected board. A. K. Wilson will be at my house 175 Wylie Street at 10 AM Sunday and I have now ready a place to hide 2 men who can hear the whole program as I and Wilson go over it, as I am Wilson's close friend I can go into details with him in every phase of the new local and would like to get your consent to have Drake of the Exposition and some official of the Wollen Mill closeted in my house to show them what they are allowing to go on, as members are being solicited now, and they are getting a foothold in the Wollen Mill. We are in receipt of a letter from John Golden to the expect that he would try to get the Atlanta Fed. Of Traders behind the fight for the chapter, but it was doubtful still could organized a new local with additional charter members and obtain a new charter. I and Wilson have agreed to pay our portion for a new charter as the old one was left with Wilson, and was stolen but we demanded to know our leaders and a full program before we entered in to another fight and we got every detail and find that W.E. Fleming, Luther Cotton, Earl Herndon, Taylor Fleming, [...] [...] and Frank Odell and A.K. Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. Moore, being the only old members who are in the new game. Wilson will not be in it long as he if afraid, but he has to stick now. New names were called that I do not know at both mills and they state, we can get members from the Fulton if we conduct it right. I had my wife to visit Mrs. J.B. Moore and I also have my brotherinlaw with Taylor Fleming yesterday today and tomorrow. All these fellows play poker now and are easy to huddle, and each one has worked steady and has money and I advise that we take action now for support by wollen Mill Bassmen is frequently talked, and I am sure they are known to most of the foremans I will be in your office at or about 4 pm for conference. Respectfully, 16